It was a slow week, I don't know why my writing is blue but it is, and some of my pictures have moved around but I had the flu again, definately having flu shots next winter . 

These are the doves that live in our back yard most of the time and eat Pidge's food much to his dis approval, I like their marking on the neck mostly they are very shy and I don't get this close.
we're getting better at selfies.
Well sometimes.
These two are waiting for my breakfast, they eaten but will hang around waiting for any bits that come their way.
My laundry, I'm in the process of doing a good clean out and freshen up.
It's also a tool shed and toilet, it's twice the size as the kitchen.
Of course these two were very helpful at least they stayed out of the way and discussed the world problems.
This a very nice little thing I picked up somewhere, I always wanted to do something with it but haven't quite worked out what yet, I always wanted to do a water feature with it in well one day.
If only my kitchen was as big as my laundry
The saws are alway handy, you just never know when you will need one, well thats about it for his week maybe next week will be more exciting.
I might win lotto.
The writing up the top is now orange.