Monday, 28 October 2013

Afternoon at the ballet and dinner in the QVB.

On sunday the beer fair and I went into Sydney to the Capital theatre to a see the Russian ballet I asked my daughter if she wanted to go but she is very busy at the moment with the sale and moving into the new house. The beer fairy said he would like to go I was so surprised he never showed much interest in ballet and usually wondered outside when it was on TV.
It was wonderful there was humour, drama and beautiful dancing and we both enjoyed it very much,   there are no photos of the dancing but that was all the better without flashing lights all the time but we stayed in town for dinner and wondered around the Queen Victorian Building, this is in my opion the most beautiful shopping area in the world at least in Sydney although the Opera house is pretty good but is not as good inside.
So I took a few snaps to share with you.
The first one is the copper roof of the huge clock.
The stained glass is wonderful.
This little stairway always delights me the pictures are a bit blurry, this is the middle.
And as you can see it's always locked and you can't go up it.
The castle clock and top floor
The building is 3 stories high above ground and 1 story below, this was taken from the top floor not easy to do when you don't like heights, done quickly so it 's not too good but you get the idea.

The shops have a few christmas decorations but the main display has not been done yet.

This little dolls house comes with a fish tank (it's under the stairs) and a back yard and garden.
and a lighted pumpkin for the Americans.
And lots of pretend pups in a row, my old boss had one of these on her desk I  like the live ones best.

I don't know why the beer fairy looks so worried, I said stand there and look pretty and this is what I get but he was hungry by now.

The window on the other side
and the dome
This is the top of the stairs.
This is the grand clock on the hour it does amazing things.

The full clock

The queen herself

and the Town hall.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

A cool breeze and no smoke so open windows all round.

It's so nice to have the windows open after the last week with them shut because of the smoke.
A lovely breeze coming from the south cool and fresh will air the house out and the weather is just right today after the heat and the hot westerly winds of the last couple of days.
The fires are still burning but the weather has improved so the firefighters are getting on top of them slowly.

 Every window is open today.
I've been up in the craft room today doing a bit of sewing and bits and pieces. I think the dolls are happy for some fresh air too.

 We had a friend stay overnight last night he is off to New Zealand today but had to work  today.
He redid his packing last night he is only going for a few days but had enough for 3 weeks, he always stays in this room likes the bed very comfy and he does have the dolls for company, and next week my son is down for a week,  he likes the other guest room.  

 My daughter gave me this she has less room in the new house, they move in a few weeks life is getting busy, this is hand made and quite lovely and I can always find envelopes and stamps.
 My front verandah got a good clean today.
My outdoor coffee table was covered in leaves and soot
 so was my other table
 This is for wet umbrellas not got much use lately.
 As you can see not much has happened next door
 Lots of holes and I think the plumbing has gone in.
 I like one of these boy they look like lots of fun

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Jack's purple carpet.

 This is jack short for jackaranda
She has been in flower for a couple of weeks but last night a lot of her flowers just fell off, because it's hot a lot of them will be dead by tonight so I took some pictures to share with you before they turn brown.

 Leroy is just not sure this looks different to yesterday.

The only place with no flowers is the driveway.
