Well not much has changed so I'm still showing you the garden as I have been busy in it, the weather is just wonderful at the moment mild and sunny.
Most of my pot plants are now in the driveway as we no longer have a car and my sons car went to old car heaven, I would have liked to make gardens but the cement in places was very thick, so that was just out of the question,
All have settled into their new places very well but they get more attention than being spread all over the garden.
Some of the ones on the shaded areas are fake so easy to look after.
But these are real ones and they like their new spots.
The lemon tree likes the company producing lots of lemons.

But there was a tree cut down around the corner and these ones didn't fit on the truck so the beer fairy bought them home but they are much to green to burn in our indoor fire but will be good for next year, it was a huge tree the guy that lives there was worried about it coming down or dropping branches which gums do sometimes.
Barbara gave me a hyrdranger and it's shooting maybe will take never had much luck with them in the past but you never know.
My passionfruit is not looking good I knocked the tip off bringing it home but it still looks green so maybe it will take.
These are all in pots but doing very well in their new spots.
And the herbs are happy nice amt of morning sun.
The other garden is doing well too these gardens are made out of pallets stacked stone and cement blocks.
These have always been here now to big to move so here they stay.
This is where I was up to in my last post no loses all going well so far.
I do like these fake plants for darker spaces and I can always mix them up with real ones that do well in the shaded places.
Well thats it for today time for coffee and cake.