Dreams do you have them, a lot of people I have spoken to about them say they don't dream or do not remember them where I have a whole different life in my dreams. My dreams are mostly about a journey somewhere I never get there and there are always things put in the way does this mean I haven't reached my full potential yet well I had better hurry up as I'm not getting any younger, it's about 50/50 some good things and some bad I guess that is what life is all about.
This week was very busy the son and daughter in law's house was sold last Saturday and that was a Auction they all sold that way now, as no one knows what there house is worth these days when we bought our house the interest rates were 18% and prices were stable and didn't change much, the auctions were popular but they are a bit costly, the location means a lot these days and they pay a fortune for little more than dumps as long as they are in the right area, their house was really lovely but not super big as some of them and in the Parramatta area which is working class some as ours, they got a good price but no where near the million mark which is what everyone wants, I must admit the prices are cooling and its about time too.

The beer fairy went back to QLD with them for a visit and his brother, he and his wife spend the winters in Sufers as the winters in Tumbarumba are freezing, lots of snow down there now , I've not heard a word so everything must be going ok, he is coming back in a day or two so will get all the news then, my dragon is keeping a eye on the place.
I've had these little chairs for agers the dolls sit on them but I guess the the wee ones when they grow up a bit might like to sit on them.
My daughter gave me this chair she is finding room at her place for all the new baby stuff and I have lots of chairs but I do sit down a lot so they come in handy.
This one sleeps a lot.
This is now the baby's cupboard.
My son's Snow walker I am very fond of it now but it will most likely go to QLD as they are now offically Banana Benders.
The house notice.
Mrs bag had a bath, she holds all the plastic bags from the super market, I use carry bags but the beer fairy still brings home plastic bags and I use them to hold the rubbish.
This is her second bath she was very dirty so was pleased to be clean again.
Painted my sun seat and fixed the back with no one to talk to, well the beer fairy talks a lot I got a few jobs done around the house and the weather has been cold so who wants to go out much can't wait for spring this year.
My daughters partner parents were over for a week from NZ so the four of them went up to Port Macquarie for a few days so my daughter gave me a new little fellow for the garden so he joined the union meeting in the back yard I guess they will agree to his terms as he looks like he will take no cheek from the rest of them.
well that's my week, this week bye now.....