So I will let her sulk for a while and wonder outside to absorb some sunlight in my cool garden, the weather here is heating up but so much cooler under the trees.
Also I now have a Iphone my daughters old one but I had it all set up today but still playing with it not too good at operating it yet.
Drummy rooftop garden is coming along nicely, keeps her little house cool.
The beer fairy's garden there are pumpkins and tomatoes in there somewhere and lots of fouroclocks, they will be pretty when the flower.
Told you I had a windmill it's a bike wheel, birdcage stand and plastic fanblades, well I like it.\
My herbs and tomato plants.
No flowers on my jacaranda tree yet, they have not put on much of a display this year, a cold snap put them off I think.
and the poor bay tree looks bad but have noticed a few green nobs maybe still will survive.
World events still being discussed by these two.
These two have returned to their Queensland home, my turn to visit next.
It's going to be 37c here tomorrow, maybe I will spend the day in the bath.