Is a bit on the cold side at the moment last week we had just one day at 110f I think that is about 45c and since then cool and today cold, so not so bad painting a fire, this one is called "cosy toes ", I have been going to put some in the gallery to see if I can sell them but all the ones I already have are not on the right boards they have to be a certain thickness but they are not going to good at the moment.
Tom Tom is not popular at the moment I was defrosting some steak for tea but he thought it was a good idea to eat it but couldn't finish it but got through half and we had to go buy a chicken for our tea there will be no more defrosting on the kitchen bench.
Do you think he looks sorry
I don't, more contented and full.
We got half way through the mulching before the rains started now all wet and soggy but will get back to it when it clears up.
my herbs are now doing well
looking greener not so brown as it was