Well winter is here the loungeroom looks very gloomy.
So I started a jigsaw puzzle, I told the beer fairy 3 weeks to finish it, this is after 4 days it is slow going but with a hot cup of coffee and the fire or heater on it quite pleasant sitting here looking for bits that fit.
A day out in Parramatta paying bills and checking out the shops here I am sitting on the bus stop watching the cranes moving stuff around lets hope they don't drop anything it has been known to happen.
Almost two weeks now moving along.
Now sitting on Granville train station watching the cranes again about 8 months ago these buildings were not here but Sydney is a hive of activity, developers have gone crazy, big money is to be made here now. I have lived in Granville for a long time nothing much happened for about 20 years but in the last few years so many new buildings have gone up mainly all units selling off the plan in a lot of cases ok if the developer doesn't go broke it has been known to happen.
Talking of selling my daughters house was sold last Saturday, the house looked lovely, freshly painted all minor repairs done and staged with lovely furniture but it was a bit alien to me I more familuar with the laughter of the twins and sometimes crying, toys all over the floor and the distinct smell of my furry friend who is staying with me until they buy a house in NZ.
The back yard is much improved as Angus often dug holes and grass had no chance to grow.

It is the sweetest little house, pictures are a bit odd because I took photos from the advertising as there were lots of people at the auction.
Well look at that I 'm finished it only took 2and a bit weeks.
I filled my pond up well half of it
All my trees that are not evergreen are stripped of their leaves
and leaves everywhere these fell last night I cleaned the leaves yesterday morning.
My maple is just sticks.
Thats it for now I was going to show you a picture of Angus but he is fast asleep under my bed so next time.