I have just turned the radio on and some how the station was moved and I'm on The Kyle and Jacki-O show maybe I'm too old for radio today but these two are beyond belief, the news was on so I left it there, they stuck a ad in the news never come across that before then Kyle was telling everyone about all the stuff he had stolen from hotel rooms in his life the same as Kim K he stated, why are these two not arrested and locked up for thief or do hotels just add more to their bills to cover costs makes sense to do so. Then there was a interview with Jason someone who was a singer in USA, he is 26 and done well in this field the questions were about his sex life what car he was driving not much about his music career but they did play one of his songs."Touch the sky'' it was called not bad a few swear words thrown in but that is common these days. there was a delay between the questions and the answers I know it was a overseas interview but I got the feeling he was being a bit cagy about his answers, in all honesty if someone had asked me some of those questions I would just tell them to bugger off. 
This is my shed not much floor now but with luck the floor will be back in a few months, the son and daughter in law have moved all their stuff out of the house they sold but not moved it to QLD so it's in my shed for the time being.Their back yard and the Beer Fairy looking confused.
They have a lot of paint.
The shed was pretty full of left over building supplies
but the house is now completely empty
I always liked their entrance gate
and these stickers didn't come off but they are cute, the beer fairy really likes this mirror bet you cant't guess what it is made of.
We all got together for a meal and I caught a train there as they had hired a van with only 3 seats and the beer fairy caught the train home.
Interesting trip I encountered a steam train at Straithfield Station not seen one in years in Sydney, love the sound and sight of these trains the smell not so much, the driver blew his whistle a lot and everyone took photos.