Monday 1 June 2020

Oh I give up

I looked it up and it's been a month since I did a blog I've been out and about and had visitors but taken very few pictures, so I will scoot around today and show you any new changes, my magpies and kookaburra had a new coat of paint they were going rusty they need a spruce up every couple of years. The kookaburra does not fool the wild kookaburras but often a magpie will check my tin ones out, and go away very upset, one knocked him over so now they are sitting on a tree stump in some melted candle wax .Well this is it I cant' download my photos at at the moment I have a upgraded facebook and a new blog upgrade and nothing works very well or I'm not doing it right I'M about to give up on the whole thing.  


  1. Have you gone to the new blog interface? I had a teeny tinker but sizing photos defeated me.
    I look forward to seeing more of your photos when the blogging gods smile.

  2. If you mean giving up on your blog, please don't. You have entertained me for quite a few years now.

  3. Hari Om
    I'm with Andrew - do persevere, Merle! We love you here.

    I switched to new interface in January and ran with it till April, then switched back to 'legacy' version because the major change form my point of view is that one can't multi-select items for labelling or deletion. And when 100 spams come through at once (as they did at Easter), single deletion is beyond agony. I can keep the legacy version for now, but we all will have to adjust to the 'tablet' form eventually... YAM xx

    1. Hari OM
      Today I opted to return to the updated Blogger - and find there have been many tweaks since my first sojourn there. I have now scheduled several posts using it and am finding my way around it. On the matter of images, that was a bit tricky, but have figured it out now - and have made a post coming up this Thursday, if you care to pop by and see if it helps... Yxx

  4. Hello, Merle
    I do enjoy your updates. I hope you do not quit. Love the bird figurines. Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  5. I don't think you are the only one experiencing problems!
    I do like your bird figurines, a nice photograph.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  6. Don't give up blogging! I love reading about your family. I tried the "new" blogger and it didn't work out for me at all, so I just switched back to the old blogger. You can do that and it all works the same as it always did.

  7. Don't give up on blogger. Just keep poking it, or stick it in candle wax.

