Friday, 14 October 2016

Getting ready for spring.

It is spring here but winter doesn't want to go so it hot one day cold the next.
The beer fairy's project he cut and sanded this wood for a small table top, the base has been floating around for some time but now it is a useable surface.
And a cute little table to boot, now it needs a stain and vanish, oh I must paint the bottom half of the rocking chair.

I can't resist late afternoon taking pictures in the back yard I do like the shadows and sun contrast.
The other day I went to the shops and when I returned home my pond had some water plants floating on top, turns out it was one of our neighbours he popped them in  as a surprise, these are not plants that should ever be released in our waterways, I will have to be careful of them if I dispose of them .

The car is now empty of paint, I emptied all the half empty cans into other ones some interesting colours there., in the car they were starting to heat up and some of the cans are now interesting shapes, a few warm days change where you can store my sons things.
Drummy's digging area is shrinking but she is getting old and now sleeps a lot during the day she has stopped laying maybe 18 months ago but how old she is is anyones guess, she is in retirement now. I've had a few days off colour so have been very quiet of late the weather has been super hot then freezing cold not sure if it's me trying to adjust to the changes or I have a bug of some kind, hope to be back to normal in a day or two.


  1. I don't like it when the weather is going back and forth, either. Right not it's trying to be cold, but teasing us with warm days. But, those are getting fewer and fewer.


    1. It isn't the best, but I like to hang on to the warm weather for as long as you can .

  2. I am sorry to hear that you may have a bug.
    We are having big temperature swings here too. Down to freezing, up to early 20s.
    Love your garden. Always.

    1. I guess we will soon be complaining about the heat.

  3. Hope you feel better soon.
    Love the photos of your beautiful garden in the late afternoon shadows, very atmospheric.
    The weather was freezing yesterday and we almost needed to light the fire.

    1. We were the same almost put the heater on, no wood cut for the fire.

  4. I hope you DON'T have a bug, there may be something going around. JahTeh has something. I have hayfever, sniffling all day and itching all night. Bleh!
    That's a sweet little table to sit beside the rocking chair.
    I need to do some stain&varnish work too, but I'll buy the stain with gloss already mixed in, saves the extra step.
    We're having a few warm days here, at least that what the weatherman says, to me they're hot. Tomorrow is supposed to be 29C, which is okay if I can stay home and stay cool.
    Your garden is really lovely with the sunlight and shadows.

    1. A lot of it is hayfever but with the weather changing so quickly it is worse than usual.
      Nice to have free days where you can sit and veg out, I like doing that more often now.

  5. Hari On
    Changing seasons do take a toll on the body, I have come to realise - or is that age??! I quite understand why you enjoy your afternoon photo sessions - the place always looks so inviting. Lifespan of chooks is very variable depending on their laying patterns and lifestyle, but you could say the average is around eight years. Some live much longer. Bit like dogs and cats really. The water plants are lovely, what a nice gift. Stay well! YAM xx

    1. I think it has a lot to do with age.
      Drummy would be about 8 I think but no real way of telling, she does have a nice life with no dramas and lots of cake maybe she will live a lot longer.

  6. Mixing left over paint has never worked well for me. Hot weather when you don't feel too good is not nice.

    1. My son bought the paint from a painter and then never used it so some is very old so I wont use the mixed ones but it very hard to dispose of the council will only take 4 big tins at a time and a lot of the tins were only dregs so this way I can throw out the empty tins in the weekly rubbish.

  7. It is looking so nice there, dear Merle. I love how many trees and bushes you have by your home - it's like a glorious jungle :)

    Take care dear one, and rest up. Hugs!

  8. Here I am cutting back my gardens and preparing for the colder weather to come. Enjoy everything spring has to offer.

  9. Merle we love your garden!!
    Hugs madi and mom

  10. Hi Merle..hope you're feeling better today! The weather is still unpredictable here too..but we have a nice sunny day at the moment. I am inspired by your rocking chair in the garden...what a great idea! You have a nice neighbour..the pond looks good with some plants in it. Enjoy your weekend and rest'll need more energy in a week's time ;-) xx

  11. Yes thank you but so lazy today, It's warm but also smoky , lots of burning off around Sydney today.
    A rocking chair in the garden is great nice and relaxing.

  12. oh my gosh,, you just commented on my blog and at the same time I was trying to find yours,, I lost all my blog list when I as away!! I had almost given up when there was a comment pop up,, FROM YOU!!! I WAS SO HAPPY,, I missed you!!! I have so much catching up to do!

