Monday, 20 April 2020

Living in Lockdown and potting in the garden.

Today I am having a bit of a rave about c19 everyone else is talking about it non stop it kills old people everything kills old people we are all on our last legs and we know it why they want to go on cruises with a lot of other old people I am at a loss maybe it is expected and everyone says go on a trip spend your money before you die. I've been on a few trips enjoyed them but that was a while back when i had more energy now it is a bit of a effort to wander over to Woolies and carry the shopping home but I'm still doing it,  good exercise.
I was listening to the radio this morning Allan Jones of all people it was his turn I change it every few days to get a variety of music and different opinions, normally he is ranting and raving about things that matter to him but today he made sense. He didn't last long the next day it was about how good he was so back to ABC radio. Anyway given up in watching the news on tele just get radio reports now.

I will be glad when everything is back to normal again am missing visits to the shops and usually catch up with my mate Barbara most weeks everything is out of the question but buying food and supplies and a walk around the block.

Bow peep who now lives on a farm 5 hours down south of Sydney had to get a day pass to travel up to Sydney, you need to explain where you are going and why and are only allowed to go if it is considered you have a valid reason, but I guess it is all for the best.

It was a dropping week last week first this pot but I do like it so glued it back together  looks ok from one side but the other side is a bit rough  so that side will face the wall.

See what I mean.

One of the fairy houses needed a new roof paddle pop sticks did the job, and a new paint job.
The other one just a paint job on it's roof it's a log of wood so no real damage ever happens to it.
A rearrange in the fairy garden and a general tidy up.

the asian garden is very small these days a few breakages over the years.
My fairies are just to big for the houses I will have to make a bigger one I will let you know how I go with that .

A bit of sun in the side garden

and the boss was here to over see any gardening.


  1. Oh the poor pot, looks like you couldn't find some of the tinier pieces. I have a gnome with a broken foot after I dropped her, some of the pieces just fell into crumbs when I tried to glue them.
    The rest of your garden is looking lovely.

  2. That poor, poor pot.
    Alan Jones is frequently all about how wonderful he is - or has been on the rare occasions I have checked in.
    Cruises have never tempted me.
    Loving your garden.
    Stay safe, stay well.

  3. That fairy garden is ever so lovely.
    All your garden looks good.
    Don't listen to Alan Jones, he drives me up the wall, if I can use that expression. Don't often listen to the radio at all.
    Just read the news on my phone and watch our Premier give his press conference each morning on my phone as well. TV, might be lucky if I see the Channel 9 news mid evening if I'm lucky.
    Bets me why people go on cruises at all, I'm certainly not into it and never ever wanted to go on one.
    Stay safe, keep well.

  4. Hari OM
    our initial 3-week stint was extended by another 3 weeks and we are all prepared to hear that lockdown will last at least till end of May. I think OZ may have fared quite well so far - it's an absolute disaster up this way.

    Your garden is a haven and wouldn't it be lovely to be able to shrink down and become one with the faeries?!! YAM xx

  5. Your gardens look nice, and are something to tinker with this winter. I don't know when I'll quit lock down, though the impatient ones want it much sooner.

  6. Seems you have plenty to play with at home. You did a great job breaking the pot, not just a clean break. I don't think listening to Alan Jones is good for anyone.

  7. I've read that in Japan cracks in pottery is filled with molten gold or left as is because they believe the cracks are where the light shines in.

  8. …. hello Merle … I've just caught up with your posts …. the grandies look gorgeous... Your garden is wonderful .. and your paintings are terrific .. xxx
    I'm a bit tired of isolation too.. :) .. we watch a lot of TV while I do craft … xxx potter in the garden and I sleep in a lot .. xxxx
    I've been doing a lot of cleaning up on my photos and emails .. x

  9. Hi Merle we have a minor problem here .. it's really me... Barbara posting .. but it will only recognise Kevin so he's doing it for me .. xxx

  10. Oh dear, poor pot! I've been breaking things as well just lately. It's probably because our minds are elsewhere in these troubled times.

  11. oh ignore negativity caused by stupid people dear Merle they don't know what to say

    i too wish and pray that everything goes to normal and so you can decide your new trip plan
    this is wise to glue the broken stuff ,this one looks good
    it's been while i broke something (God forbid ) lol
    oh your garden is such a lovely one filled with beautiful plants and flowers
    stay well and positive friend!

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